Sunday, March 10, 2013

Your the wizard???

Smiles abound, the door opens, a loud baritone voice says "enter", you walk towards the curtain, pull it back expecting to see a stately figure...instead, you see a mirror!!! Reflecting from the mirror is a face that looks familiar but you can't make it out, you step closer, use your hand to wipe away the film and "Realize" starring back at you is somebody that you use to know (thanks Gotye, that song, somebody that I use to know) 
The You, that You use to know!!! Hum? I've been reflecting and reloading myself with the help of audio coaching, one of the things I've noticed sparking back up inside of me has been my ambition, my drive, my determination....that feeling that I can achieve anything!! 
Do you remember having that, that magic, that ability to speak it and be it, what you wanted showed up? Do you remember when the magic left, or you gave it away? what did it feel like, better question what does it feel like now?? Dorothy, her brain, heart and courage pulled the curtain back and saw a small, shriveled little man who called himself the wizard, if you remember, the wizard had the ability to GRANT whatever those who met him asked. Really??? The little man, from the same place Dorothy came from, was the grantor?? Isn't it funny how we give our hopes, ideas, dreams and the like to others we Believe have more power or influence than we do; How we believe more in the power of others than we do in our own...What if you and I are the grantee and the grantor all in one,The mythical all powerful Wizard!!!
As the wizard,  you need a goal, something to help you focus your mind and efforts, to pull you through when the road gets matter if it's physical, financial or relational two constants must always be present.....a high Goal and a high Standard!!  Also, there must be Belief....along the way you may possibly attract a mentor/coach who's been there done that approach can help you remember or guide you back to YOU!!
 Set backs, changes and life choices sometime fog or shield our view, but with a little REALIZATION , what was old can be made new, igniting the flame of your imagination, and fueling your inner Wizard. 
So now,  look into the mirror, a little harder, see the image shaping, look familiar? it's YOU, The Wizard!!!

The face of finance
Christyna with a "y"

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