I was speaking with a friend who shared how they were going through a very hard time with the dissolution of a relationship. It was interesting that the relationship was that of a business partnership, which had been four years in the making and two years in actual existence .( It's a wonderful thing simply a paper transaction for tax purposes, but hard)..They expressed the most challenging part of the process was breaking down the financial obligations....the, WHO is responsible for WHAT moving forward because everything was still going to be needed just now under individual business names..... They were so stressed that they started getting upset saying they wished they could just scrap it and start over...which got me to thinking.( I know dangerous , me thinking)
Couple-hood, no matter at what level, be it friendship, partnership,
consultancy or marriage requires defined roles regarding our relationship and handling of money. You can't move into the quintessential "couple-HOOD" achieve the goals of the "ADDRESS " without the clear understanding that it takes a clear vision of money roles to sustain it...otherwise frustration, stress and flying monkeys will creep in or be summonsed.
In the couple -hood " It's a strange, wonderful and wild ride. Universally, its the relationship that challenges us like no other. Sometimes it is predictable. Other times it has unexpected twists and turns. And MONEY plays a big role in the journey. Couples consciously or unconsciously decide how to spend and enjoy money, how to save and amass wealth and how to use money to exert power and control in the relationship. Some partners fight about money, others worry about it. Some couples join forces and create a strong financial and emotional bond; others never seem to trust each other financially." ( that's from my colleague in the business Kathleen , speaking of the couplehood of marriage....thanks girl!!) when we undergo the task of partnership we do it in good faith not believing that in latter days when, for whatever reason, a dissolution happens be it death, divorce or the Tax Man... That out of lack of knowledge, we' ll be summoning the Flying Monkeys to come do our bidding... So, to avoid this misstep, I suggest taking a moment to take your financial temperature, Realize where your affairs reside in there current state, then Relearn with whomever you are in the Couple-hood with how to establish clear money roles..... ( I use a tool in my business called a financial survey.) this will help provide perspective and insight.
Otherwise someone will be saying...."send in the flying monkeys" and we don't want that!!
Let me know how I can help
The face of finance,
Christyna with a "y"