Sunday, April 21, 2013

When the fog lifted

As you may know, I live in southern California where the term "overcast" becomes a daily event from April -'s the time of the year where the prediction of sun only comes after the Morning overcast has melted, the closer you are to the coast ( beach), the longer it takes to see the Sun break through.... It's interesting to me how we become familiar with the "fog/overcast" of the season so much so that it's expected, it's "normal".  Ponder this basic question,  have there been foggy overcast seasons in your life, where you knew "Later" in the day, the sun is predicted to breakthrough, but, in the midst of the fog/overcast, you felt "socked in" couldn't see the rays of the light breaking through.
Our main character landed into an unfamiliar place, with impaired vision and lost bearings. Perspective in the fog is hard to gauged, even  knowing the brightrays of sun is on its way, sometimes it's hard to be on the road to your goal ( comeback) when the foggy overcast comes. It causes questioning and doubt, but if we have our feet firmly on the road toward our goal (our comeback), when foggy overcast seasons come, we can be like the joggers on the beach, have our shorts and SUNglasses on with no sun apparent......
With your SUNglasses on, stay the course toward your goals, along the way you'll find the rays of the sun will break through to reveal where you've been walking was the actual path to your comeback.

I'll walk with you.....

The Face of Finance,
Christyna with a "y"

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