Saturday, April 27, 2013

Why didn't they make a sequel

Have you ever noticed when you watch some movies, you leave wondering what happened later, wishing they would make a sequel to let you know how the situation changed or if the character (s) survived, fell in love, got the bad guy etc...?
Isn't that always the case, when something's good we want more of it, kinda like we desire t completion, (if your like me, that desire doesn't always translate to laundry, cleaning out closets or washing dishes, those things seem to never be complete!!)
I've noticed 2013 is shaping up to be the year for sequels....if you haven't noticed, I'm a movie buff, and this summer all the sequels are coming out, G.I. Joe2, Ironman 3, the hangover,final chapter3 , grown ups 2, Despicable me 2, smurfs 2 and  Star Track 2 funny how movies can be critically DEEMED awful yet be popular enough to get a studio to INVEST in creating another one, a SEQUEL!!!!!
Which has me pose this question to you, is it possible to have a "personal sequel"?? 2012 was a very topsie-turvie year for me personally, the mountain was a little steeper then it appeared, yet I continued to climb.... for some of us we see the height of the mountain as insurmountable or the financial set back as too deep a hole to get out of, but what if there was a sequel to it ? A sequel is not a ReDo. A sequel usually has the same characters now in NEW settings with NEW story lines...a Continuation of the first movie....ReLearning or ReLoading...If you recall "relearn" is Come to know or know how...and "reload" is to make ready for firming...applying these two definitions to our "personal sequel " basically means IT AIN'T OVER, only that part of the movie has ended but the sequel is in production.... Sometime the sequel is bigger, introduces new characters and provides a deeper understanding of the original cast!!
So, no matter what it looks like Now, how bad or good, how miserably the idea failed or how many thousands less you have in you're account ....the story is not over, YOU'RE popular enough to INVEST in your own SEQUEL!

Be the main Hero/ Heroien, Love Interest or Villian in you're own SEQUEL!!!!

Let me know where you're playing I'd love to come see you ,and I'll bring the popcorn ....

The face of finance,
Christyna with a "y"

Sunday, April 21, 2013

When the fog lifted

As you may know, I live in southern California where the term "overcast" becomes a daily event from April -'s the time of the year where the prediction of sun only comes after the Morning overcast has melted, the closer you are to the coast ( beach), the longer it takes to see the Sun break through.... It's interesting to me how we become familiar with the "fog/overcast" of the season so much so that it's expected, it's "normal".  Ponder this basic question,  have there been foggy overcast seasons in your life, where you knew "Later" in the day, the sun is predicted to breakthrough, but, in the midst of the fog/overcast, you felt "socked in" couldn't see the rays of the light breaking through.
Our main character landed into an unfamiliar place, with impaired vision and lost bearings. Perspective in the fog is hard to gauged, even  knowing the brightrays of sun is on its way, sometimes it's hard to be on the road to your goal ( comeback) when the foggy overcast comes. It causes questioning and doubt, but if we have our feet firmly on the road toward our goal (our comeback), when foggy overcast seasons come, we can be like the joggers on the beach, have our shorts and SUNglasses on with no sun apparent......
With your SUNglasses on, stay the course toward your goals, along the way you'll find the rays of the sun will break through to reveal where you've been walking was the actual path to your comeback.

I'll walk with you.....

The Face of Finance,
Christyna with a "y"

Sunday, April 7, 2013

We represent the lollipop guild

So this Saturday like most of you I'm doing my errands, chores and adding to the ever expanding to-do list....One of my destinations on the to-do list was a bday party at this enclosed jungle gym with bounce houses, zip lines, table tennis and air hockey...a child's play heaven, not a care in the world except how many times can I go down the blow up slide??
I've been to this "gym" many times for family fun night but never for a bday party.. They move all the children onto the rug and asked "are you all ready to have fun" ( by the way the sign on the wall says fun is Mandatory) .....with jubilant voices all in unison an ear piercing Yeeeeessssss resounded!!!! And poof, the magic fun door opened.... I turned to another parent who had a baby bejourn strapped to her front and asked..  Don't you wish adult life offered that "fun" question ? Wait for it, wait for it...yea, I'm thinking!!!
When our main character dropped into Oz she was greeted by the munchkins singing the "lollipop guild"....they welcomed her to this new land with a song! What if every challenge the new day brought came after a MORNING SERENADE or a call to MANDATORY FUN? How do you believe you would respond, what would that small Greeting or  Call, EMPOWER you to DO differently, THINK differently or SEE differently Your personal circumstances?  What would your jubilant response be to the challenges of LIFE????   YES!!!,  I Can't, or maybe next time....
So back to the magic fun door opening at the kids party where MANDATORY fun was required. What if we as adults RELEARNED how to have FUN and RENAMED life's challenges as Adult FUN?? 

.....What song are you loading into your phone or iPod as your morning WAKE UP FUN song??? 

Send me your playlist

Christyna with a "y" 
The face of finance