A friend sent me a text asking out of true and sincere concern seeing if I was ok, they noticed I had transformed ( in physical appearance) so much so that they wanted to make sure I wasn't sick, I thought about the sincerity and took a look at myself and acknowledged it's significance. I thought about how I've been so caught up in my day to day grind and likened it, a tornado of life, distracted by my own personal "toto" . The significance of my toto's (distractions) have had me so wrapped up I hadn't noticed my own transformation.
If you remember, it was that cold winter night that Dorothy went to take out the trash, just as toto dashed out the door into the storm....like a good caretaker Dorothy left her primary task and ran after toto, so distracted by her desire to make sure toto was safe she put herself in harms way!!!! Which makes me ask, What's your "TOTO"?
What task or thing of significance in your life have you found yourself distracted by, What tornado's have you been caught up in because your "toto" ran out the door?
As women, we are excellent at multitasking, caregiving and caretaking..but at what cost? Your "toto" may be working instead of going back to school to increase your income or forgoing work ( income) to care for children, a parent, a spouse or your "toto" may be FEAR....False Evidence Appearing Real...keeping you paralyzed in a rut, or like mine your toto may be not facing the truth that a tornado is what your in and transformation is happening regardless, while your distracted, running after your toto.
"Toto's" are anything that distract us from keeping the main thing the main thing.....
Dorothy was so distracted that she couldn't see the transformative tornado that was heading her way...
What transformative something have you not seen due to your distracting Toto?
Once you answer the question, pull out a sheet of paper identify the toto or toto's. Pull out another sheet, write or rewrite your goals,( those you forgot, said would never happen or gave up on) cross reference and see if toto's have kept you from them. Were you suppose to have that vacation home but spent the extra monthly income on St. John knits ( toto) , were you suppose to retire last year but wanted the new car so now your working an extra two years ( toto)...
Remember, all it takes is "Realization" to allow transformative moments to be realized.
Reach out to me if you need extra sheets of paper!
The face of finance
Christyna with a "y"